сведения о рекламодателе

ID: 90204
Boop Beauty Huddled Group
Период возврата отчета 3小时~5小时
Последние эффективные данные 90天
период утверждения разрешить комиссию, принадлежащую клику на объявление, по истечении 30.00 дней
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мобильный неподдерживаемый
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Welcome to Boop, your ultimate destination for premium beauty and wellness products that are too-good-to-go.

In the beauty industry, product waste has always been an issue, with countless perfect products destroyed each year. Why? Sometimes the products don’t look 'perfect' on the outside; other times, brands have overproduced, discontinued items, or reformulated them. Poor forecasting and inefficient supply chains also contribute to this waste.

Our founder, spent years in the beauty industry and saw the need for an outlet for luxury brands to channel these items into. That's why Boop was created: to get more amazing products into your hands and keep them out of landfill, all while offering you the best prices.

We rigorously quality check each item to ensure you only receive products that are safe to use and deliver results. All products must pass our Boop QC check – when you shop with Boop, you can rest assured we’ve verified the integrity of each product, its suitable shelf life, and that all relevant seals are intact.


As a partner to us, you have the opportunity to get:

  • Generous commissions on all referred sales (but not including delivery charges, return charges or VAT)
  • 30 day cookies
  • Updated product feeds
  • Industry standard sized banners
  • Dynamic content links
  • Affiliate newsletter with latest offers

Programme Commission Terms

All transactions will be placed in a temporary pending status for a period of 12 days allowing us to have the opportunity to review any full or partial returns.

Advertising Policies

We will only approve and work with publishers who are transparent in their promotional activities and are generating traffic to our site using the domain which you initially registered with to our programme. If your domain or site has changed after application approval, we expect you to notify us in order to regain approval.

Advertising Creative

We expect approved publishers to use the ads that are made available via the Awin platform. If you require a format other than those made available or want to use another image from our shop, then please contact us first for approval by emailing us at: steliana@revwise.co.uk

The Affiliate is free to use customised text links and we do not require prior written approval.

Paid Search Policies:

We do not allow direct linking via search engine marketing or social media advertising (e.g. Google Ads, Facebook or Instagram). It is not allowed to bid on any type of keyword combinations or misspellings associated with the Boop Beauty brand. CSS affiliates are only allowed with written permission of Boop Beauty.

Sample Trademark Terms: Affiliates are not allowed to use any of the following words in their domains, or part of their URL structure: BoopBeauty, plus other variations of our trademark.

Please contact us if you wish to participate.

We reserve the right at anytime to terminate the Publisher agreement and withdraw/withhold any publishers commissions earned, if we find that an Affiliate has violated the Terms & Conditions outlined herein.

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